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mmaction2 | mmaction2 구성 살펴보기 (Config File)

by 하우론 2022. 8. 21.


이 글에서는 mmaction2는 어떻게 돌아가는지 config의 각 옵션은 무엇을 뜻하는지 알아볼 것이다. 


mmaction2는 config 파일이 절반이다. Config 파일만 이해하면 마음대로 튜닝할 수 있다. 다만 처음 진입장벽이 살짝 있는 편이다. mmaction2에서 제공하는 docs를 기반으로 알아보자. Docs에는 굉장히 compact하게 써놨다. 주석을 


전체 Config 파일

아래는 docs(2022.08.20 기준)에서 제공하는 TSN[Wang et al., T.PAMI 2018] 모델의 config 파일이다. 한 부분씩 뜯어보면서 알아보자.


해당 글은 RGB 기반 action recognition 모델들만 다룰 것이다. Skeleton 기반 모델이나 detection, localization 등 다른 task를 위한 옵션들이 더 있으나, 숙련도가 낮아 이 글에는 담지 않을 것이다.


모든 분야가 그렇듯, 이론을 처음부터 다 완벽히 이해하는 것은 불가능하다. 한 30% 정도 이해했다는 생각이 들면 과감하게 다음으로 넘어가서 코드를 돌려보고 오면 이해가 더 빠르다.

# model settings
model = dict(  # Config of the model
    type='Recognizer2D',  # Type of the recognizer
    backbone=dict(  # Dict for backbone
        type='ResNet',  # Name of the backbone
        pretrained='torchvision://resnet50',  # The url/site of the pretrained model
        depth=50,  # Depth of ResNet model
        norm_eval=False),  # Whether to set BN layers to eval mode when training
    cls_head=dict(  # Dict for classification head
        type='TSNHead',  # Name of classification head
        num_classes=400,  # Number of classes to be classified.
        in_channels=2048,  # The input channels of classification head.
        spatial_type='avg',  # Type of pooling in spatial dimension
        consensus=dict(type='AvgConsensus', dim=1),  # Config of consensus module
        dropout_ratio=0.4,  # Probability in dropout layer
        init_std=0.01), # Std value for linear layer initiation
        # model training and testing settings
        train_cfg=None,  # Config of training hyperparameters for TSN
        test_cfg=dict(average_clips=None))  # Config for testing hyperparameters for TSN.

# dataset settings
dataset_type = 'RawframeDataset'  # Type of dataset for training, validation and testing
data_root = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_train/'  # Root path to data for training
data_root_val = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_val/'  # Root path to data for validation and testing
ann_file_train = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_train_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for training
ann_file_val = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for validation
ann_file_test = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for testing
img_norm_cfg = dict(  # Config of image normalization used in data pipeline
    mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53],  # Mean values of different channels to normalize
    std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375],  # Std values of different channels to normalize
    to_bgr=False)  # Whether to convert channels from RGB to BGR

train_pipeline = [  # List of training pipeline steps
    dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
        type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
        clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
        frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
        num_clips=3),  # Number of clips to be sampled
    dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
        type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
    dict(  # Config of MultiScaleCrop
        type='MultiScaleCrop',  # Multi scale crop pipeline, cropping images with a list of randomly selected scales
        input_size=224,  # Input size of the network
        scales=(1, 0.875, 0.75, 0.66),  # Scales of width and height to be selected
        random_crop=False,  # Whether to randomly sample cropping bbox
        max_wh_scale_gap=1),  # Maximum gap of w and h scale levels
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(224, 224),  # The scale to resize images
        keep_ratio=False),  # Whether to resize with changing the aspect ratio
    dict(  # Config of Flip
        type='Flip',  # Flip Pipeline
        flip_ratio=0.5),  # Probability of implementing flip
    dict(  # Config of Normalize
        type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
        **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
    dict(  # Config of FormatShape
        type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
        input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
    dict(  # Config of Collect
        type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
        keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
        meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
    dict(  # Config of ToTensor
        type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
        keys=['imgs', 'label'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
val_pipeline = [  # List of validation pipeline steps
    dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
        type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
        clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
        frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
        num_clips=3,  # Number of clips to be sampled
        test_mode=True),  # Whether to set test mode in sampling
    dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
        type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
    dict(  # Config of CenterCrop
        type='CenterCrop',  # Center crop pipeline, cropping the center area from images
        crop_size=224),  # The size to crop images
    dict(  # Config of Flip
        type='Flip',  # Flip pipeline
        flip_ratio=0),  # Probability of implementing flip
    dict(  # Config of Normalize
        type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
        **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
    dict(  # Config of FormatShape
        type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
        input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
    dict(  # Config of Collect
        type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
        keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
        meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
    dict(  # Config of ToTensor
        type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
        keys=['imgs'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
test_pipeline = [  # List of testing pipeline steps
    dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
        type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
        clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
        frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
        num_clips=25,  # Number of clips to be sampled
        test_mode=True),  # Whether to set test mode in sampling
    dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
        type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
    dict(  # Config of TenCrop
        type='TenCrop',  # Ten crop pipeline, cropping ten area from images
        crop_size=224),  # The size to crop images
    dict(  # Config of Flip
        type='Flip',  # Flip pipeline
        flip_ratio=0),  # Probability of implementing flip
    dict(  # Config of Normalize
        type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
        **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
    dict(  # Config of FormatShape
        type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
        input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
    dict(  # Config of Collect
        type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
        keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
        meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
    dict(  # Config of ToTensor
        type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
        keys=['imgs'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
data = dict(  # Config of data
    videos_per_gpu=32,  # Batch size of each single GPU
    workers_per_gpu=2,  # Workers to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
    train_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of train dataloader
        drop_last=True),  # Whether to drop out the last batch of data in training
    val_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of validation dataloader
        videos_per_gpu=1),  # Batch size of each single GPU during evaluation
    test_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of test dataloader
        videos_per_gpu=2),  # Batch size of each single GPU during testing
    train=dict(  # Training dataset config
    val=dict(  # Validation dataset config
    test=dict(  # Testing dataset config
# optimizer
optimizer = dict(
    # Config used to build optimizer, support (1). All the optimizers in PyTorch
    # whose arguments are also the same as those in PyTorch. (2). Custom optimizers
    # which are built on `constructor`, referring to "tutorials/5_new_modules.md"
    # for implementation.
    type='SGD',  # Type of optimizer, refer to https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/optimizer/default_constructor.py#L13 for more details
    lr=0.01,  # Learning rate, see detail usages of the parameters in the documentation of PyTorch
    momentum=0.9,  # Momentum,
    weight_decay=0.0001)  # Weight decay of SGD
optimizer_config = dict(  # Config used to build the optimizer hook
    grad_clip=dict(max_norm=40, norm_type=2))  # Use gradient clip
# learning policy
lr_config = dict(  # Learning rate scheduler config used to register LrUpdater hook
    policy='step',  # Policy of scheduler, also support CosineAnnealing, Cyclic, etc. Refer to details of supported LrUpdater from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/hooks/lr_updater.py#L9
    step=[40, 80])  # Steps to decay the learning rate
total_epochs = 100  # Total epochs to train the model
checkpoint_config = dict(  # Config to set the checkpoint hook, Refer to https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/hooks/checkpoint.py for implementation
    interval=5)  # Interval to save checkpoint
evaluation = dict(  # Config of evaluation during training
    interval=5,  # Interval to perform evaluation
    metrics=['top_k_accuracy', 'mean_class_accuracy'],  # Metrics to be performed
    metric_options=dict(top_k_accuracy=dict(topk=(1, 3))), # Set top-k accuracy to 1 and 3 during validation
    save_best='top_k_accuracy')  # set `top_k_accuracy` as key indicator to save best checkpoint
eval_config = dict(
    metric_options=dict(top_k_accuracy=dict(topk=(1, 3)))) # Set top-k accuracy to 1 and 3 during testing. You can also use `--eval top_k_accuracy` to assign evaluation metrics
log_config = dict(  # Config to register logger hook
    interval=20,  # Interval to print the log
    hooks=[  # Hooks to be implemented during training
        dict(type='TextLoggerHook'),  # The logger used to record the training process
        # dict(type='TensorboardLoggerHook'),  # The Tensorboard logger is also supported

# runtime settings
dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')  # Parameters to setup distributed training, the port can also be set
log_level = 'INFO'  # The level of logging
work_dir = './work_dirs/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/'  # Directory to save the model checkpoints and logs for the current experiments
load_from = None  # load models as a pre-trained model from a given path. This will not resume training
resume_from = None  # Resume checkpoints from a given path, the training will be resumed from the epoch when the checkpoint's is saved
workflow = [('train', 1)]  # Workflow for runner. [('train', 1)] means there is only one workflow and the workflow named 'train' is executed once



모델 (model)


# model settings
model = dict(  # Config of the model
    type='Recognizer2D',  # Type of the recognizer
    backbone=dict(  # Dict for backbone
        type='ResNet',  # Name of the backbone
        pretrained='torchvision://resnet50',  # The url/site of the pretrained model
        depth=50,  # Depth of ResNet model
        norm_eval=False),  # Whether to set BN layers to eval mode when training
    cls_head=dict(  # Dict for classification head
        type='TSNHead',  # Name of classification head
        num_classes=400,  # Number of classes to be classified.
        in_channels=2048,  # The input channels of classification head.
        spatial_type='avg',  # Type of pooling in spatial dimension
        consensus=dict(type='AvgConsensus', dim=1),  # Config of consensus module
        dropout_ratio=0.4,  # Probability in dropout layer
        init_std=0.01), # Std value for linear layer initiation
    # model training and testing settings
    train_cfg=None,  # Config of training hyperparameters for TSN
    test_cfg=dict(average_clips=None)  # Config for testing hyperparameters for TSN.

모델은 크게 backbone과 head로 이루어져있다.



Backbone은 ResNet50 기반인 걸 알 수 있고, pretrainedtorchvision://resnet50이라고 명시하면 torchvision의 기본 제공 weight를 다운받는다. 해당 weight는 ImageNet-pretrained이다.



Head는 TSNHead 클래스를 사용한다. mmaction\models\heads\tsn_head.py에 구현되어있다. GAP → consensus → FFN을 거친다. Softmax는 아직 안 하고 loss를 계산할 때 한다. Consensus는 temporal axis 방향으로 mean을 취하는 과정이다. 비디오 모델이라 추가된 것이라 보면 된다.




모델의 type Recognizer2D가 뭔지 궁금할 것이다. mmaction\models\recognizers\recognizer2d.py에 구현되어있다. 우리가 신경써야 할 것은 forward_train_do_test이다. 2D (conv) 기반 모델들의 abstract 한 연산이 구현되어있다. backbone과 cls_head에서 정의된 모델들에 imgs를 통과시켜준다. 2D 기반 모델들에 대한 기능을 더 추가하고 싶다면 이 클래스를 상속받으면 된다.



train_cfg에서는 cutmix [Zhang et al., ICLR 2017][arXiv], mixup [Yun et al., ICCV 2019][arXiv] 등의 blending을 추가할 수 있다. In-batch cutmix와 mixup은 거의 free boost인 데다가 performance gain도 상당하기 때문에 유용할 것이다.


test_cfg에서는 해당 config 파일을 가지고 test를 할 때(training 종료 시, 또는 test.py로 실행 시), --out [PATH] 옵션으로 pkl 파일을 생성할 수 있는데, 여기에 model의 어느 부분의 output을 넣을지 고를 수 있다.

  • average_clips='prob': softmax를 통과한 확률값이 담긴다. Shape은 (# test set, # classes)이다.
  • average_clips='score': logit이 담긴다. Shape은 똑같다.
  • feature_extraction=True: Backbone을 통과한 feature를 뽑는다. GAP → consensus까지만 통과한 feature가 들어있고, 앞의 옵션들보다 우선순위가 높다.



Dataset 세팅


# dataset settings
dataset_type = 'RawframeDataset'  # Type of dataset for training, validation and testing
data_root = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_train/'  # Root path to data for training
data_root_val = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_val/'  # Root path to data for validation and testing
ann_file_train = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_train_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for training
ann_file_val = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for validation
ann_file_test = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for testing
  • dataset_type: 파이토치 Dataset 타입의 dataset getter이다.
    RawframeDataset의 경우 mmaction\datasets\rawframe_dataset.py에 구현되어 있다. 정확한 나중에 설명할 것이다. 핵심 기능은 annotation 파일을 로드하여 input data path와 label을 indexing 해주는 것이다.
  • 그 밑의 스트링들: Input data와 annotation 파일의 경로를 지정해준다. 절대 경로로 써도 된다. 추천하는 방법은 repo 내에 symlink 'data/'를 만들어 위와 같이 상대경로로 쓰는 것이다. 



img_norm_cfg = dict(  # Config of image normalization used in data pipeline
    mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53],  # Mean values of different channels to normalize
    std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375],  # Std values of different channels to normalize
    to_bgr=False)  # Whether to convert channels from RGB to BGR

train_pipeline = [  # List of training pipeline steps

    dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
        type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
        clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
        frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
        num_clips=3),  # Number of clips to be sampled
    dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
        type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
    dict(  # Config of MultiScaleCrop
        type='MultiScaleCrop',  # Multi scale crop pipeline, cropping images with a list of randomly selected scales
        input_size=224,  # Input size of the network
        scales=(1, 0.875, 0.75, 0.66),  # Scales of width and height to be selected
        random_crop=False,  # Whether to randomly sample cropping bbox
        max_wh_scale_gap=1),  # Maximum gap of w and h scale levels
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(224, 224),  # The scale to resize images
        keep_ratio=False),  # Whether to resize with changing the aspect ratio
    dict(  # Config of Flip
        type='Flip',  # Flip Pipeline
        flip_ratio=0.5),  # Probability of implementing flip
    dict(  # Config of Normalize
        type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
        **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
    dict(  # Config of FormatShape
        type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
        input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
    dict(  # Config of Collect
        type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
        keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
        meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
    dict(  # Config of ToTensor
        type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
        keys=['imgs', 'label'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
  • img_norm_cfg: input 이미지의 normalization 파라미터들이다. 위는 kinetics400의 값이다.
  • train_pipeline: 데이터 전처리 pipeline이다.
    이미지 path로부터 로드하는 것부터 augmentation하는 것까지 포함한다. 해당 파이프라인을 통과하면 results:dict가 되며 recognizer의 input으로 들어간다.
    Validation, test 할 때는 각각 다른 pipeline을 쓴다. val_, test_로 되어있다. train에서는 RandomCrop인 것이 test에서는 CenterCrop인 식으로 다르다.



data = dict(  # Config of data
    videos_per_gpu=32,  # Batch size of each single GPU
    workers_per_gpu=2,  # Workers to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
    train_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of train dataloader
        drop_last=True),  # Whether to drop out the last batch of data in training
    val_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of validation dataloader
        videos_per_gpu=1),  # Batch size of each single GPU during evaluation
    test_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of test dataloader
        videos_per_gpu=2),  # Batch size of each single GPU during testing
    train=dict(  # Training dataset config
    val=dict(  # Validation dataset config
    test=dict(  # Testing dataset config

위에서 설정한 string 변수들을 대입해준다. 위 변수 두 개는 설명이 조금 필요하다.


  • videos_per_gpu: GPU당 batch size이다. Total batch size는 (# gpus) x (videos_per_gpu)가 된다.
  • workers_per_gpu: GPU당 worker 수, 전처리를 해줄 CPU 수이다. 쓰레드 수에 맞출 때 최적이다. ex) 4GPU, 24cores(48threads)를 할당받았다면 12를 줄 때 최적이다.


Optimizer와 Scheduling

# optimizer
optimizer = dict(
    # Config used to build optimizer, support (1). All the optimizers in PyTorch
    # whose arguments are also the same as those in PyTorch. (2). Custom optimizers
    # which are built on `constructor`, referring to "tutorials/5_new_modules.md"
    # for implementation.
    type='SGD',  # Type of optimizer, refer to https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/optimizer/default_constructor.py#L13 for more details
    lr=0.01,  # Learning rate, see detail usages of the parameters in the documentation of PyTorch
    momentum=0.9,  # Momentum,
    weight_decay=0.0001)  # Weight decay of SGD
optimizer_config = dict(  # Config used to build the optimizer hook
    grad_clip=dict(max_norm=40, norm_type=2))  # Use gradient clip

Optimizer의 파라미터를 넣는 부분이다. type에는 위와 같이 torch.optim에 있는 optimizer를 넣을 수도 있고, TSMOptimizerConstructor과 같이 customized optimizer를 넣을 수도 있다. Customize 하는 방법은 추후 다룰 것이다.



# learning policy
lr_config = dict(  # Learning rate scheduler config used to register LrUpdater hook
    policy='step',  # Policy of scheduler, also support CosineAnnealing, Cyclic, etc. Refer to details of supported LrUpdater from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/hooks/lr_updater.py#L9
    step=[40, 80])  # Steps to decay the learning rate
total_epochs = 100  # Total epochs to train the model

checkpoint_config = dict(  # Config to set the checkpoint hook, Refer to https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/blob/master/mmcv/runner/hooks/checkpoint.py for implementation
    interval=5)  # Interval to save checkpoint
evaluation = dict(  # Config of evaluation during training
    interval=5,  # Interval to perform evaluation
    metrics=['top_k_accuracy', 'mean_class_accuracy'],  # Metrics to be performed
    metric_options=dict(top_k_accuracy=dict(topk=(1, 3))), # Set top-k accuracy to 1 and 3 during validation
    save_best='top_k_accuracy')  # set `top_k_accuracy` as key indicator to save best checkpoint

eval_config = dict(
    metric_options=dict(top_k_accuracy=dict(topk=(1, 3)))) # Set top-k accuracy to 1 and 3 during testing. You can also use `--eval top_k_accuracy` to assign evaluation metrics

log_config = dict(  # Config to register logger hook
    interval=20,  # Interval to print the log
    hooks=[  # Hooks to be implemented during training
        dict(type='TextLoggerHook'),  # The logger used to record the training process
        # dict(type='TensorboardLoggerHook'),  # The Tensorboard logger is also supported


스케줄링 vars를 넣는 곳이다. 

  • evaluation
    • interval: 단위는 에폭이다.
    • metrics: 해당 metric들로 평가하여 stdout, .log, .json 파일로 출력한다.
    • metric_options: mmaction\datasets\base.py에 metric들이 정의되어있는데 topk는 옵션을 추가로 받는다. 추가 옵션을 넣어준다.
    • save_best: eval마다 해당 metric으로 모델을 평가하여 best이면 체크포인트를 저장한다. checkpoint_config와 별개이다.
  • eval_config: 얘는 이름을 잘못 지었다. test.py로 test 할 때 쓰는 옵션이다. train.py로 train 종료 후 test 할 때는 위에 있는 evaluation을 사용한다. 혼동 할 수 있다.
  • output_config: 위 config엔 없다. test.py로 test 할 때 쓰는 옵션이다. Output(prob, score, feature)을 json, yaml, pickle로 출력 할 수 있다.

output_format은 train.py, test.py에서는 안 쓴다.

  • log_config
    • interval: 애는 step 단위이다. (데이터 크기 / 배치 사이즈)가 얘보다 작다면 로그가 씹힐 수 있다.
    • by_epoch: 이 옵션을 주면 interval을 배치 당 step이 아니고 전체 training step 당으로 계산한다. 로그 찍어보면 이해할 수 있다.
    • hooks: Text랑 Tensorboard hook밖에 안 써봤다. 웬만하면 tensorboard까지 켜는 걸 추천한다. 계산에 오래 걸리는 것도 아니고 메모리도 많이 안 먹는다.


Runtime 세팅

# runtime settings
dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')  # Parameters to setup distributed training, the port can also be set
log_level = 'INFO'  # The level of logging
work_dir = './work_dirs/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/'  # Directory to save the model checkpoints and logs for the current experiments
load_from = None  # load models as a pre-trained model from a given path. This will not resume training
resume_from = None  # Resume checkpoints from a given path, the training will be resumed from the epoch when the checkpoint's is saved
workflow = [('train', 1)]  # Workflow for runner. [('train', 1)] means there is only one workflow and the workflow named 'train' is executed once

학습 외적인 요소들을 설정하는 곳이다.


  • dist_params: 주석에 써있는 게 전부이다.
  • work_dir: 로그나 pth 등의 실험의 output들이 여기에 찍힌다.
  • load_from: pretrained weight(.pth) 경로나 링크를 지정할 수 있다. 링크면 실행한 위치에 다운받는다.
  • resume_from: ckpt 파일을 지정하면 해당 부분부터 다시 시작한다. 우리 교수님은 resume은 웬만하면 쓰지 말라고 하신다. Resume 과정을 거치면 디버깅 할 거리 +=1이라서 resume 할 바엔 그냥 첨부터 학습시키라고 하신다.
  • workflow: 원래는 [('train', 1), ('val', 1)]과 같이 사용해서 train 1에폭, val 1에폭과 같이 쓰는 것이었는데 비직관적이어서 evaluation으로 옵션이 넘어갔다. 레거시 변수니까 [('train', 1)] 고정이라고 생각하면 편하다.


Config Import


Config 파일을 여러 개 만들다보면 중복되는 부분이 많고, 수정해야 할 시에 여러 파일들을 수정해야 된다. Config 파일을 import 하는 것으로 해결 가능하다.

Path는 config파일 위치 기준이다.

Import 한 variable을 재정의 할 시, 오버라이딩 된다.

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